Comic Book Writer May Be Victim of Abuse

Jul 16, 2018 | Elder Abuse, Elder Law

Restraining order issued against man who takes care of Stan Lee.

Stan Lee, 95-year-old writer of comic books, is known as a friendly, beloved creator of superheroes that transfer easily to film and bring in millions of dollars. However, police are investigating whether he is the victim of elder abuse, according to Time in “L.A. Police Investigate Reports That Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee Is a Victim of Elder Abuse.”

After Lee’s wife passed away, a man named Keya Morgan stepped in to assist Lee with his affairs. Morgan is on probation for an unrelated matter. It is claimed that Morgan moved Lee out of his home and will not let friends and family visit Lee.

Police and a social worker were sent to Morgan’s home to conduct a welfare check on Lee. However, Morgan called 911 on them and reported that he was being burglarized. Morgan now faces criminal charges for filing a false police report. A restraining order against Morgan has also been issued by a court prohibiting him from contacting Lee.

While it is not yet known whether Lee is a victim of elder abuse, a common sign is when a caretaker isolates an elderly person from other friends and family.

Reference: Time (June 14, 2018) “L.A. Police Investigate Reports That Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee Is a Victim of Elder Abuse.”