Stronger Advanced Directives Allowed for Dementia Patients

May 8, 2018 | Elder Issues, Elder Law

New York is first state to strengthen advanced directive rights for incapacitated dementia patients.

An incapacitated dementia victim can continue living for a long time if given nourishment and water, so New York has approved advanced directives that allow the withholding of food and water, according to NPR in “‘Aggressive’ Advance Directive Permits Halting Food and Water In Sever Dementia.”

People in New York will now have two options. They can direct that they continue to be given food and water, if it appears that they accept and enjoy it. They can also direct that they not be given food and water at all. It is hoped that the new directive will allow people suffering from advanced dementia to pass away more quickly, if that is what they choose in advance.

If successful, the law could spread to other states.

Reference: NPR (March 29, 2018) “‘Aggressive’ Advance Directive Permits Halting Food and Water In Sever Dementia.”