The Most Inexpensive States for Funeral Services

Jan 29, 2018 | Elder Issues, Estate Plan

Senior couple working with laptop at home

The average cost of funeral services is much cheaper in some states than others. The reason for that is a simple matter of the choices that people make.

Dying can be very expensive.

If someone has enough wealth for the estate tax to kick in, then dying can cost an astronomical amount. If there are problems with the estate or challenges to it, then probate and attorneys’ fees can be very costly to the estate.

However, even if those problems are not present, it can still be expensive to pass away.

This is because funeral services in the U.S. cost thousands of dollars on average.

Between arranging for the services, burial fees, coffins, flowers and everything else that is involved in a funeral, many families find that they have to figure out how to pay for it all.

The costs are not the same in every state though.

Some are cheaper on average, as Cronkite News points out in “Arizonians pay less for funeral services compared to rest of nation.”

The average cost of funeral services in Arizona and in nearby states are much cheaper than they are elsewhere. The primary reason for this is not because funeral homes charge that much less. It is because cremation is much more popular in those states, than in the rest of the nation.

Cremation is so popular that there is plenty of competition in the market place for it. It is also much cheaper than in other states with fewer crematoriums.

The best way to control funeral costs is not to move.

It is to make plans ahead of time, so that you can make sure your estate has the necessary money, regardless of how you would like your remains to be handled.

This can be done at the same time as you prepare your estate plan, so you can be certain the money will be there.

Reference: Cronkite News (Dec. 26, 2017) “Arizonians pay less for funeral services compared to rest of nation.”